
Regional Growth Programme Evaluation published

Pragmatica completed an evaluation for MBIE and MPI of the Regional Growth Programme (RGP). First, the review assessed whether the RGP worked as intended. Then, it considered some aspects of the RGP implementation, systems and processes. Finally, it also evaluated the value of the results so far.

This evaluation focused on ways government agencies worked with each other. It also considered ways central agencies liaised with the regional stakeholders and with Māori in the regions. It was not an evaluation of regional economic progress.

The evaluation found benefits of the RGP that both government agencies and regional stakeholders identified were its positive contribution to:

  • "More joined-up governance between ministers, senior officials within government agencies and regional stakeholders to set clear priorities and direction 

  • Better understanding, co-ordination and cohesion, which has enhanced relationships and networks between different government agencies and also between government and the regional stakeholders – and better leveraging of these relationships 

  • An implementation that extends beyond the original intent and has evolved to meet different regional needs and opportunities 

  • A genuine intent and open spirit of government agencies to support and partner with the regional agencies 

  • Helping broker relationships, supporting individual projects and organisational change, and providing project management and workstream support within the regions” (Oakden et al., 2017, p 2).

Lessons learned at central, regional, and project levels may inform future regional initiatives.

Pragmatica built a team for this evaluation comprising: Judy Oakden, Kataraina Pipi, Kellie Spee, Michelle Moss, Roxanne Smith and Julian King.

There are four documents linked to this evaluation:

The Regional Growth Programme Evaluation Report (103 pages) – full evaluation findings and methodology

Three infographics which provide: