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Check out our resources page to see examples of our evaluation & research projects,
as well as case studies and journal articles related to our work.
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There are multiple ways to connect with us:
- Join our mailing list for regular updates
- Check our news feed for the latest updates and trends that matter
- Request a 30-minute session (by Zoom) to discuss areas of possible interest.
- Commission a one-hour session by Zoom either individually or with your team
- Invite us to present a keynote presentation at your next conference
- Invite us to present to your organisation on our key topic areas: adaptive evaluation, commissioning or contracting out for public services informed by complexity, building trusted relationships, complexity informed sense-making, building on facilitation skills drawing on complexity, using rich pictures to capture challenging situations, contracting evaluations, and advanced facilitation using video-telephony software (such as Zoom).
Ready to talk? Taking the first step is easy.
Contact us at and we will respond promptly to start the journey together to making sense of complexity.